Best Methods To Harness Energy And Efficiently Generate It

how to increase energyAt times, just knowing how our body works, having a basic understanding of how it reacts is all we need to know, this to gain peak efficiency. The key becomes obtaining and sustaining our optimum energy levels regardless of the duress we may be facing.

There are always certain individuals who appears to have that high voltage energy level, this regardless of the situation or where they are. We often wonder where they get it from. We just assume that they’re just extremely over reactive or hyperactive.

What we’re wanting is to generate that high energy level ourselves. This if you’re at the gym, you exercise yourself to exhaustion, then you see others with endless energy who continues to do laps around you like the energizer bunny, they never burning out.

Why does their energy sustain longer, are they just born with more energy stores than you are. Why is it that you can’t generate that type of energy when you exercise. What’s their secret.

There’s No Magical Secret
Surprise, there’s no magical potion, no secret, and anyone can generate more of this energy themselves. All that’s needed is a basic understanding of how the body works, and then taking the steps to maximizing its efficiency.

It comes down to the core basic building blocks of our bodies, and once you activate this “key,” it’s thought that you yourself can increase your energy levels.

The Need Of Energy For Life
To build better biomolecules which sustains life, what the body needs is energy. The body gets this energy from the breakdown and activation of nutrients, particularly amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids.

To construct molecules, there needs to be molecular destruction that’s occurring simultaneously at all times, this to provide the energy that’s required to drive these biochemical reactions. This becomes an ongoing process which occurs throughout the day.

What constantly happens is that anabolism, which is the building of tissue, and catabolism, which is the breakdown of tissue, both occurs at the same time.

They differ in magnitude and intensity however, this depending on the level of rest and activity, and when or what the last meal was eaten. Once anabolism exceeds catabolism, there’s net growth that occurs.

Whenever catabolism exceeds anabolism, the body experiences a net loss of body tissue and substances, which results in weight loss.

The Balance Of Energy
The fate of an amino acid that’s transported to the liver is dependent on what the needs of the body are at that moment. Some amino acids will enter the blood stream, where they’ll join other amino acids which have been liberated during the constant breakdown along with the synthesis of body tissue.

Other amino acids are immediately used by the liver to manufacture specialized proteins such as lipoproteins, liver enzymes, and the blood protein albumin.

As the amino acids circulates throughout the body, each cell is directed by its DNA blueprint. It draws from the common pool of amino acids which are available, this to synthesize all of the proteins which are required for its functions.

The Use Of Amino Acids
For protein synthesis to occur, an adequate supply of essential and non-essential amino acids becomes crucial. If one of the essential amino acids happens to be missing, then the synthesis process is halted.

These partially assembled proteins are then disassembled and the amino acids are returned back to the blood.

Any amino acid which isn’t used within their limited “shelf life,” can’t be stored for future use. They’re delivered back to the liver and then stripped of their nitrogen, incorporated into urea and then excreted by the kidneys.


The remaining protein skeleton is then converted to glucose and burns as energy, or is converted to glycogen or fat, for storage.

Although protein synthesis is extremely important, the body’s first priority is to obtain sufficient energy so it can carry out vital bodily functions such as respiration, circulation, and digestion.

If there’s an absence of adequate fat calories or dietary carbohydrates, the body then begins to break down not just dietary protein, but also protein that’s in the blood, pancreas, liver, tissues, and muscles, this in order to maintain their functions.

The Use Of Carbohydrates
Our bodies are just capable to absorbing monosaccharides such as glucose, fructose, or galactose, which are single units of sugars and starches.

Once it’s absorbed through the small intestines and flows into the portal vein, circulating into the bloodstream via the liver as blood glucose, our bodies are then able to put glucose to work in several ways:

• It burns glucose immediately for energy. This provided that the blood glucose levels aren’t stabilized at a certain ratio of blood borne glucose which circulates every hour

• If it’s not needed for energy, it’s then converted into glycogen in the muscle or liver. Liver glycogen is able to supply energy to the entire body. Muscle glycogen just supplies energy to the muscles

• If the body happens to have an excess of glucose, and all the glycogen stores are full, the surplus is then converted to fat, and stored as dreaded body fat around the body. If needed, the fatty acids can then be burned as fuel

The Management Of Nutrients
So it’s not a magical potion but better food intake management. Know that the three macro-nutrients, carbohydrates, fat, and protein, needs to be in the proper portions, this to keep energy levels at it’s peak.

What all this comes down to is that you need to absorb carbohydrates and protein one hour prior to exercise, and then replenish thirty minutes after the exercise.

What doing so does is it absorbs the required fats before and after the workout for better increased sustained energy.

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